


Sparte Golf
  • Spartenleitung: Günter Schmid
  • Nachricht an Spartenleitung: Link öffnen
  • Zeiten: Training wöchentlich, Turniere
  • Treffpunkt: Niedereutin

The golf section is open to all interested members of the FC110 who already play golf or consider starting this splendid sport combining passion and concentration with being outdoors in the fresh air and socializing with others while trying to hit a small ball with strange looking sticks.

The golf section represents the FC110 in the Company Golf Cup (CGC). This CGC consists of several tournaments where the FC110 team plays against other companies in the Stuttgart region and attendees can qualify for the German Company Golf Cup played in a tournament in the fall/autumn timeframe.

Also, the FC110 Golf section is able to offer some very interesting arrangements with local and remote golf clubs.

Contact Information

Please contact Günter Schmid by email or phone if you have any questions like

  • What FC110 Golf is all about
  • How to get on the distribution list
  • Where to play under which conditions
  • How to take part in the Company Golf Cup tournaments
  • How to start and where to take lessons
  • ....

FC110 Golf should also serve as a platform for golfers to get together and spend time together on the golf courses in the region. If you would like to reach all FC110 Golfers, send an email to the FC110 Golf Community.

For more information about the FC110 Golf section - yes, there is more! - you need to register and login to this website.

Zusätzliche Informationen


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